Monday, November 29, 2010

Let your colors burst.


A few weeks ago Katy Perry came out with a brand new music video for her hit single "Firework". In the video, Katy inspires hope in a few individuals who are experiencing troubling situations by reminding them that everyone has a fire inside; it just needs to be ignited. The visual effects for in the video were made possible by Reel FX. It so happens that Reel FX, the digital studio that my group was assigned to research in the Intro to ATEC course that I am taking.

The video was shot in different locations of Budapest, Hungary. Radium/Reel FX Visual Effects Supervisor Kevin Althans and Producer Leigh Mergehenn went along to Hungary during the shoot, so they could successfully plan the logistics of the practical effects and the post-production work. According to Kevin Althans, the whole process was collaborative. Their team of 40 staff members in both the Dallas and Santa Monica Studios worked on editing the video for two weeks to create the realistic effects shots. The final look of the fireworks was achieved using custom Houdini plug-ins (written by 3D Effects Artist Anthony Chappina)which generated the dynamic fireworks. Other tools included Houdini, Maya, After Effects, Nuke and Inferno.

The "Firework" video is one of my favorite music videos. Not only are the visual affects incredibly realistic and believable, but the message of "embracing your inner firework" is truly meaningful. The video also brings up issues of bullying. Katy Perry noted that the video has personal significance to her and has dedicated the track and video to the “It Gets Better” campaign, which addresses discrimination and bullying against LGBT youth.


You can see the video and it's entirety here.


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